Why You Should Deal With Clogged Drains Right Away

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Why You Should Deal With Clogged Drains Right Away

At BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, we know that professional drain cleaning in Colorado Springs, CO for our residential neighbors is necessary to prevent expensive plumbing repairs and cleanup. Many homeowners, renters and landlords consider clogs nothing more than an inevitable nuisance that they can clear on their own. Yet, their methods often fail to clear a clog entirely. Instead, they usually only destroy part of a clog or leave behind just enough biofilm and other debris in the pipes to make it easier for new clogs to form.

When any clog starts to cause wastewater flow problems, the right person to handle it is a drain cleaning company. Our plumber can quickly and thoroughly remove the clog, which is critical to prevent the following:

Flooding and Property Damage

When a person doesn’t handle a clogged drain immediately, wastewater can do more than back up slowly in a sink, shower or tub. A clog in one area of a building can cause sudden undetected backflow in another area that leaves filthy water pouring out all over the place, which can destroy construction materials and personal property and cause a health hazard. Additionally, pressure from the water trying to move past the clog can cause a pipe to burst in a room or, worse, inside of a wall or under flooring.

Future Cracks and Pipe Bursts

When a non-professional clears a clog from a pipe, they have no way of checking if the clog caused any sort of damage. Many people don’t even realize that they need to perform an inspection. Pipe blockages can cause tiny cracks in pipes and seals. Over time, these cracks spread, widen and eventually cause drip leaks and pipe bursts. A plumber who offers professional drain cleaning services performs an inspection when they’re finished to check for cracks. They then repair or replace the pipes, if necessary.

At BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, we use drain snaking to quickly clear away clogs of any size and then perform a sewer camera inspection to determine the health of the pipes. Our experienced team always offers fast, efficient and affordable solutions optimized to fit the situation. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.


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