Why You Should Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Home » Why You Should Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Corroded pipes

Chemical drain cleaners may seem like a fast and simple way to unclog a blocked pipe, but they can actually cause serious damage to your pipes. At BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, we not only provide quality drain cleaning in Colorado Springs, CO, but also aim to educate homeowners on the dangers of DIY drain cleaning methods. Chemical drain cleaners, in particular, can:

Damage Your Pipes

Chemicals included in drain cleaners are designed to break down the blockage in your clogged drain. Unfortunately, your pipes may also be eroded by these potent chemicals. Continued use of chemical cleaners can corrode your pipes and lead to a slew of issues.

Damage Your Septic System

Chemical drain cleaners might kill your septic tank’s natural bacteria. Your septic system’s effectiveness may deteriorate over time if you use chemical drain cleaners, so it’s best to turn to a professional for expert drain cleaning services instead.

Negatively Impact the Environment

Drain cleaners contain harmful substances that may wind up in your drinking water. These chemicals can also seep into the soil and affect any plants or animals that come into contact with it. Hiring a drain cleaning company to handle your clogged drains is a much safer and efficient solution.

Lead to Disappointing Results

Chemical drain cleaners may be able to dislodge simple clogs, but they aren’t as effective on more serious blockages. Tree roots, for example, are only resolved through hydro jetting. Meanwhile, drains that are blocked by clumps of hair, soap scum, and other debris will benefit from professional drain snaking.

Instead of depending on chemical drain cleaners whenever you get a clogged drain, consider having a professional plumber deal with the issue instead. You will get to enjoy lasting solutions while avoiding the possibility of causing harm to your plumbing or septic system. Contact BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air today to schedule an appointment.


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