Steer Clear of Chemical Drain Cleaners—Here’s Why

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Steer Clear of Chemical Drain Cleaners—Here’s Why

A drain clog can spell disaster in your home when not dealt with right away. While you might think that using a chemical drain cleaner will be enough to tackle the problem, BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, experts in drain cleaning in Colorado Springs, CO, strongly advises against doing so. We discuss why below:

They Can Damage Pipes

Older homes usually have older pipes unless you or previous homeowners have had them upgraded. If your pipes are old, they’re made of older materials that aren’t so sturdy, which means chemical drain cleaners can cause serious damage to them. Rather than risk damaging your pipes, schedule professional drain cleaning services instead.

They’re Ineffective

Using a chemical drain cleaner might work to loosen hair, soap scum and other gunk from your clogged drain. However, they’re often ineffective in the long term. You might find that you have a clog again after a few days or weeks as most of the debris is still stuck.

They’re Toxic

You won’t want to use chemical drain cleaners in your home due to the toxic, harmful chemicals they contain. Your entire household can be put at risk of serious health hazards when you use them on your drains. These chemicals can burn your skin and eyes and can cause coughing. Drain snaking is a much safer alternative.

They’re Bad for the Environment

Chemical drain cleaners have harsh ingredients that can leach into the water supply and soil. They are bad for the environment and can cause problems for animals and plants alike. People can end up drinking it and suffer ill effects as well.

BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air is a reliable drain cleaning company that you can count on for quality drain cleaning solutions. We also offer a wide range of plumbing and heating services. Contact us today for inquiries.


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