Post-Holiday Plumbing Care Tips

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After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can often be easy to forget about protecting your home from potential plumbing nightmares. With extra guests, an increase in cooking and baking, and excessive water use while hosting, the chances of an emergency plumbing issue are higher than ever. To help prevent any potential plumbing disasters, BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air shares our expert post-holiday plumbing care tips below:

Monitor Water Usage

Since the holidays are a time of year when people are cooking and baking more than usual, monitoring your water usage is essential, especially if you have a limited water supply and water heater capacity. You can monitor water usage by checking your water bill. If you have sudden spikes in your water bill, this can indicate an issue with your system. If you notice any sudden spikes that aren’t caused by increased usage, contact a reliable plumber in Colorado Springs, CO, right away.

Check for Leaks

While many people check their plumbing systems for leaks in the spring or summer, it’s also essential to conduct a thorough inspection during the holidays. Examine your plumbing systems for leaks by looking for signs of water damage, such as water stains on your walls, water dripping from your faucets and pipes, and wet ceiling areas. If you find leaks in your plumbing systems during post-holiday inspections, call us for plumbing repairsas soon as possible.

Test Water Pressure

While conducting your post-holiday plumbing inspections, you may want to test your water pressure to see if anything is abnormal. Sudden changes in water pressure can be a sign of a more significant plumbing issue. To test your water pressure, first, find your water meter. Next, turn on all your faucets and water-using appliances. Once everything is running, turn off the water meter. This will show you the water pressure without additional water use. If the pressure is significantly lower than normal, contact a plumbing company for the proper solutions.

Keep your plumbing system in great condition with professional plumbing services from BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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