How Often Should You Replace Your Furnace ?

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How Often Should You Replace Your Furnace ?

Furnaces are built to last a long time when proper maintenance is performed. However, when a furnace reaches the end of its usable life, it begins to be more of a burden than a benefit. Replacing a furnace can become the best choice for your pocketbook resulting in overall savings from an efficiently running furnace. How can you know when it’s time to retire that furnace and choose a new, energy-efficient model? When is it most economical to make repairs and continue forward with your old furnace? Read on to learn more.

How Long Do Furnaces Last?

Depending on the model and manufacturer of the furnace, the longevity of the furnace will vary, but the normal range is 18-20 years. This range can only be reached if the furnace is well-maintained, however; deferred maintenance can result in major problems that shorten the useful life of a furnace. There are also non-maintenance factors that can affect the life of a furnace. Some examples are the climate in which the furnace is being used, since a furnace in Colorado will see more use than a furnace in, say, Florida.

Signs That It is Time to Replace

  • Above 17 years and needing repair: The older your furnace gets, the less it makes sense to perform costly repairs just to pull a few more months or a year out of the useful life of the furnace. For instance, the rule of thumb tends to be that a repair that costs more than 50% of the cost to replace the furnace is pretty much not worth it. You are better off getting the new furnace. The older the furnace gets, however, the lower that percentage gets to be; if your furnace is 19 years old and needs a repair that costs even 20% of the cost of a new furnace, you are probably better off rolling that 20% into the purchase of a new furnace rather than just getting a few months of additional use. However, our technicians will be able to discuss with you the pros/cons to performing the repair versus replacing the unit entirely.
  • Rising heating bills: A major concern with older furnaces is that they become less efficient; if you don’t feel that you’ve changed your indoor climate choices, and there haven’t been skyrocketing fuel prices, there’s a chance that your older furnace is simply functioning in an inefficient manner. Compare to last year’s bills and correct for any fuel price changes, but if you start noticing big changes, a new furnace may be a way to get excellent monthly savings.
  • Age alone: Many folks choose to replace at 18-20 years simply to avoid the above problems: rather than having to make a furnace decision quickly while your house is currently cold, or having to pay those high energy bills, they simply replace at the end of the useful life of the furnace in order to have time to select the right furnace for them and avoid a catastrophic failure.

The Importance of Consistent Furnace Maintenance

Maintaining your furnace each year gives you the information you need to make good choices about a future furnace purchase. Your trained technician from BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air can give you insight as to how many useful years you may have left in your furnace, as well as any repairs that may help to extend that time. Knowledge is power, and it is possible to save up and pick out the perfect next furnace if you have the information and aren’t surprised by a sudden breakdown of the furnace. Maintenance also keeps your furnace running efficiently and lowers your utility bills. BullsEye works to have the best service and keep you informed, and when you are ready, we have skilled professionals who can replace your furnace. Contact us today to learn more.


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