Dealing With Common Air Conditioner Problems

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Air conditioners are essential to comfortable living, but like any appliance, they can sometimes encounter issues. Understanding how to maintain your air conditioner and troubleshoot your problems can help you avoid these problems in the future. BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, local experts in air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs, CO, shares some ways to deal with these issues below:

1. Fix Any Leaks in Your Attic, Around Your Windows, or Under Your Doors

Condensation-related problems often start with a leak from a broken pipe or just above the unit itself. Condensation builds up on cold surfaces such as windows and walls in the winter months, and when it gathers together on these surfaces, it can cause your air conditioner to overheat. To fix this issue, look for leaks around windows or under the unit to see where the problem occurs. Air conditioning services should also be called to fix any leaks found, as they will not only be able to seal around the unit properly, but they can also replace the unit if necessary.

2. Unblock and Vacuum Your Vents

Debris can build up in the vents, making it hard for air to transfer through the unit. This can cause your unit to underperform and not cool properly. To check this, remove the filters and vacuum out any debris that may have built up. Then put the filters back in place, ensuring they fit loosely and don’t block any airflows.

3. Clean Around the Condenser Unit Outside

Over time, dirt, debris, and leaves can build up on the unit’s exterior. This can cause rust and corrosion on the outside of the unit. To check if this is your problem, look at whether there is any visible rust or corrosion present around the exterior of your condenser unit. If there is a build-up of dirt and paint around the outside of your unit, use a pressure washer to clean it off. If the problem has spread to your unit’s interior, you may need air conditioning replacement.

4. Check the Thermostat

A thermostat is designed to keep your home at a certain temperature, but sometimes problems occur with the thermostat not working or being adjusted incorrectly. To see if this is your issue, check if you have a programmable thermostat and whether it’s set to change high enough for the inside of your home. Our knowledgeable air conditioning maintenance team can help you adjust or replace your thermostat.

For professional air conditioning installation, repair, and replacement services, contact BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air today.


Look no further than BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air for your Air Conditioning needs in Colorado Springs, CO and nearby areas. If you need a repair on an existing Air Conditioning unit in Colorado Springs, we’ve got you covered! If you need a new Air Conditioning unit all together we’ve got you covered for that as well! Click below to schedule your appointment and fix all your Air Conditioning needs.

Whether you need heating services, cooling services, plumbing services, an HVAC system evaluation, repair, or replacement, or utility excavation, you can call on us to do the job and get it right the first time.