6 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump

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6 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump

Heat pumps affect energy consumption, how comfortable the indoors are, and ultimately, the value of a house. Thus, investing in the appliance involves factoring in numerous elements. At BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air, we simplify the process of buying a heat pump by outlining the factors to consider.

Heat Pump Type

The heating system one purchases can be an air-source, geothermal, or split-ductless pump. Each pump type is suitable for different buildings and climates. If in doubt about the ideal pump to buy, be sure to consult with us.

Ease of Use

With technological advancements, it is possible to install a heat pump controlled via a smartphone app. Other systems connect to Wi-Fi networks and allow our specialists in heating maintenance to troubleshoot them remotely.

Compressors Used

Going for heaters that feature two-speed compressors is a good idea. These components ensure energy efficiency and reduce the stress on the system. Ultimately, a suitable compressor means a longer lifespan for the pump.


Beware of initial outlays and heating installation costs when buying a heat pump. However, keep in mind that one can invest in an expensive yet highly efficient and durable system. Such a pump will end up saving money in the long run.

Size and Space Requirements

The space available in a home determines the type of pump one can install. Additionally, it is imperative to select the right system size for your home’s needs to avoid the need for frequent heating repair. An oversized heat pump consumes excessive energy, while undersized ones may fail to adequately cool or heat a room.

The Warranty

Be sure that the heat pump you choose includes favorable warranty terms in case issues arise. Remember, frequent malfunctions can hike a system’s cost even if the upfront budget is low.

The right heat pump can mean the difference between unbearable and comfy indoors. When in need of reliable heating services, trust BullsEye Plumbing Heating & Air. Contact us by calling our team or filling out the online form.


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